Posts in abundance
The Abundance Equation: Key to Peace, Joy, Wellness, and Wealth

We can explain abundance as being content with an experience of ease and flow in everything. It is a state of mind or a feeling of having enough and complete satisfaction such that you desire nothing anymore.

Abundance is a state of existence. In fact, we are naturally abundant. Since you're a part of the Quantum Field, which is an abundant source of energy, you too are quantum and abundant. The problem? We all forget this truth. I am here to help you unlearn your feelings of lack and relearn your abundance AND in the process, remember your authentic Self.

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Have You Discovered the Secret of Abundance?

Paradoxically, unlearning allows the human brain to rewire itself to learn anew. This secret makes way for us to shed the scarcity mentality that invades the vast majority of civilization. After years of study, research, and experience in the school of life, I have come to believe that unlearning holds the key to unlocking human potential.

Unlearning is a process that results in a total transformation. Because we are conditioned through repetitive and imprinted beliefs and traumas, most of us live in the futures’ past.

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