Have you discovered the hidden secrets of the biofield?

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"Life is way too important to take seriously." lol. Recently I have been pondering, 'how can I find a place within myself and in the world that is not so damn serious?' In a world that seemingly has gone mad with war, anger, and all else that makes us mere mortals suffer, could there be a cure for this insanity? There are many small solutions to this one big problem. The problem? Perception.

The human condition that dominates our time can be most easily understood by our eyes. We have two lenses of perception. Imagine if you will that your right eye sees and subsequently you experience the world in separation. Separate from others and your environment. Aka, dualistic perception. In that world, you experience tension and stress, which causes seriousness. On the other eye, haha, the left eye sees and experiences the world as a whole. Without separation, there can be no seriousness. In this world, you experience joyfulness plus many other blissful states of consciousness.

I invite you to take the test and find out which lens of perception dominates your life. And try out this fun little practice. When you are doing something that makes you feel serious, close your left eye and witness it. Then, in the next moment, close your right eye and open your left eye. Witness that serious moment from the lens that sees the joy that can be found beyond the insanity of life.

Seriousness is a choice. Which lens of perception do you choose?



Adam C Hall is a published Author, Inspirational Speaker, Earth Steward and Father. A trained Shaman and teacher of A Course of Miracles Adam has dedicated his life to helping others realize their Genius in order to live a life of health and service.

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