Do you want to discover the secrets of an extraordinary life from a modern master?

As the months fly by, 2022 has shed light on the "good, bad, and the ugly" aspects of our culture, politics, economics, and all else. First the good news. We humans are finally finding a meeting place, where compassion for ourselves and others prevail. Unfortunately, it comes as a result of the bad news; the horrors of war, divisiveness, and economic distress. That " light" has helped me to discover a deeper meaning in all that now unfolds.

From the aloneness I feel at times, to the extraordinary beauty and love that surrounds my life, I realized that I am living a blessed existence. Even in the mist of hyper personal and global change I have discovered it's all an invitation to love and be joyful. Who says the magic of life is not alive?

I feel that all of humanity has come to a choice point . Will it be love, joy, and magic or will it be hate, misery, and seriousness? What can you do to experience life as it’s meant to be? Will you choose a life of fate or destiny? These are big bold questions that require real and practical answers.

Let's explore some possible answers. The intensity of the challenges we face as a planet body seem to be ever increasing. We have before us a great opportunity. We got this.



Adam C Hall is a published Author, Inspirational Speaker, Earth Steward and Father. A trained Shaman and teacher of A Course of Miracles Adam has dedicated his life to helping others realize their Genius in order to live a life of health and service.

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